Jaipur, the bustling capital of Rajasthan, has earned its nickname "The Pink City" due to the charming pink-colored buildings that are scattered throughout the old city. Known for its place as a constituent destination in the "Golden Triangle of India" tourist itinerary, Jaipur's old city is partially encircled with seven gates - including the prominent Chandpol, Sanganeri and Ajmeri gates. The title of "The Pink City" is attributed to the old walled quarter of the city in the northeast, while stunning palaces and temples in an assortment of styles can be found throughout the predominantly urban area.
Jaipur boasts a rich cultural history, with magnificent forts and palaces that once housed the Maharajas and still stand in blushing pink grandeur. The bustling bazaars of Jaipur, famous for their Rajasthani Gemstones, Jewelry, Fabric and Shoes, offer a timeless shopping experience for those who venture through. With its romantic charm, this captivating city takes visitors back to a time of royalty and tradition.